In 2011 the exterior of the windmill tower was refurbished.
The instrument, based in the top level of the windmill tower, offers a complete 360 panorama of the surrounding landscape.
A new ogee cap was constructed and fitted to the windmill tower.
An 1824 listed windmill tower is at Mill Farm on North Street.
There is also a restored windmill tower, owned by Lincolnshire County Council.
The windmill tower, classified as an ancient monument.
Other listed buildings include a windmill tower, built c.1890, and dwellings dating mainly from the 17th,18th and 19th centuries.
Edmundo Fernández's office is located in the windmill tower built by his ancestor.
Visitors can see the plantation's two windmill towers which are still standing, along with the remains of the stillhouse.
A functional windmill towers over the setting, and it is a tribute to the designers that it does not seem out of place.