I put my back against it and slid upright until I felt the window aperture.
With a last look at his companion, he jumped down and swung himself through the window aperture.
Of the two, blinds are the better choice because they allow greater control over the window aperture.
The window apertures gaped empty and the roof had fallen in.
The window aperture was large enough to contain two stone benches on either side although it narrowed to a slit.
Together with one of the ferrets who had squeezed in the window aperture with him, he went sailing into outer space.
The nearest room contained some broken furniture and its door had been propped against a cupboard next to the empty window aperture.
The white sail of a felucca passed so close it filled the entire window aperture.
A peephole or small window aperture in a door where visitors can be observed prior to entry is recommended.
Oxeye wandered about until he noticed one of the window apertures had been unblocked.