The window commanded a view of the Maribar Hotel, which was less than two blocks distant.
Its upper windows commanded a view both of the bridge in one direction and the cultivated land with wilderness beyond in the other.
The windows commanded a magnificent view of Paris.
Night and day two sentinels watch their tower; and my own windows command a view of the sentinels.
I do not forget how many windows command a view of us,' he says, glancing towards them. '
But my windows commanded charming views of the city.
I should like, for example, to see how far the windows of the bedrooms command the front.
Jude stayed and had a cup of tea; and was pleased to find that the window commanded the back of another of the colleges.
The price was $71,500, quite a bit less than the windows commanded.
Lead-glass windows, for example, often command more on the architectural antiques market than an entire house.