A moment later the window flickered to the light of a lamp, and Faucelme's angular figure, with elbows akimbo, showed black upon the yellow rectangle.
Lightning flared repeatedly, and every window flickered like a television screen afflicted by inconstant reception.
The tall, pointed windows flickered with multicolored lights, and against their panes strange shapes moved and changed.
The spider was climbing up to its balcony, while the lower windows flickered ominously.
At intervals, thunder rumbled in the distance and my windows flickered with blue light, tree branches illuminated briefly before the room went black again.
A window blind flickered as someone checked to see who the visitors were, then the yellow porch light clicked on.
The windows flickered with light, and from inside came chanting.
Along the island, lights and windows flickered twice.
All the windows of Africa and the whole façade between it and the east tower now flickered with irregular flashes.
Lamps glowed in the windows and lanterns flickered about the outbuildings.