There are also very large fenestrae (window-like openings) in the skull, which are found in many dinosaurs and reduce skull weight.
Near their summits they were pierced with window-like openings, angled outward so that rain would enter only in the most driving of storms, and then with difficulty.
The roof of the two galleries of the palace has collapsed, but its corbel vault is still hinted at by some standing walls, as are window-like openings.
In crossing these fields of snow, while walking with perfect security upon what seemed a solid mass, they observed certain window-like openings in the snow.
This layout reduces the whole section to a rectangular window-like opening.
Surveys executed before the demolition revealed window-like openings in the foundation (made of rubble) which hint to the presence of a crypt also during the early phase of the building.
On the interior, there is a center wall with window-like opening.
They followed her lead as she dove through one of the window-like openings that the aliens had just exited.
Since it is still attached to her mummy, it is less clearly visible at present; additionally, it has been attached somewhat too far to the right of the window-like opening in the wrapping.
All have a pair of palatal fenestrae, window-like openings on the bottom of the skull (in addition to the smaller nostril openings).