In the windswept streets around les Halles market are the cheap foreign restaurants and dingy bars you would expect in any working city.
Utterson and Poole travel to Jekyll's house through empty, windswept, sinister streets.
More than 1,000 people lined the gray, windswept street outside for a glimpse of the funeral, transmitted live in churches throughout Britain.
Dead leaves, twigs, a few scraps of paper, and less identifiable debris whirled and tumbled along the windswept streets.
Most of them were Italian military or police trucks, patrolling the windswept empty streets.
As they walked rapidly through the windswept streets, he reeled off all the inconsistencies he had spotted.
As he mulled over another approach, he finished his first cheeseburger and watched the traffic passing on the windswept street.
There wasn't a soul on the windswept streets.
And so, with Torgar's agreement, they had a party that night in the unremarkable stone house on the windswept streets of Mirabar.