It is a windy and harsh climate that make for a rugged and independent population.
This results in a cold and windy climate and it is not unusual for snow to fall on the town during the winter months.
Due to the windy climate, the most important renewable energy in Gallura is the wind power.
Due to its windy climate, it is a common destination for windsurfers and kitesurfers.
The flora of this ecoregion is adapted to its cold, dry, and windy climate.
It has moderate temperature and windy climate during summer period.
The city has a relatively cool and windy climate.
In extremely dry and windy climates it appears in the rocks.
He hated the Falklands at first for its cold, windy climate, so different from the lands where he had spent all his life.
This is especially true in dry, windy climates and for structures constructed using wood.