Attendants regularly patrol the car, offering wine, beer and other drinks, as well as a three-course meal.
Despite the wonderful long old bar complete with brass rail and trough for spills, no wine, beer or other alcohol is served.
And except for wine, beer and soft drinks, all the provisions are free.
Two deep drawers make up the bottom portion to store anything from kimchi to wine, beer, etc.
Both places serve wine, beer and excellent espresso.
They are the active agents in producing fermentation of wine, beer, etc.
Included are three meals, wine, beer and soft drinks, tours to the rock art and other activities.
Those who had not planned ahead were forced to drive to border states to purchase wine, beer and other spirits.
There customers sip wine, beer and other drinks at the bar or tables while they wait.
I was told that the restaurant was out of red wine, beer, and mineral water.