If both you and your hosts are wine buffs, however, you can play by different rules.
Emiliano is a bit of a wine buff too, and talked us through the wide selection available by the glass, a process that took several hours.
Michael's has assembled a diverse playground for wine buffs, especially fans of California labels.
Not a wine buff herself, she saw it as a way to wean him away from the martinis.
Interest in the system has mostly been confined to the small group of wine buffs who are comfortable with econometric techniques.
Are you a cork dork or a wine buff?
However, the contents of the collection has raised eyebrows among wine buffs.
Give a graying wine buff a taste, and it may fetch a quizzical look.
Some collectors, like the British, still let their vintage ports mature for decades, but others, especially affluent young wine buffs, have less patience.
If you are serious wine buffs, sure.