Cecil then made the foolish decision to allow the men to drink from the wine vats found in the local houses.
Now dump these stressors, one by one, into the wine vat, barrel, or bucket, and watch the water level rise.
Can you see the plus of having a wine vat instead of a bucket?
In the cellar are prison cells and an 18,700-gallon wine vat.
One of the larger styles of pottery has been identified as a wine vat but residue tests will confirm this notion.
HOT tubs were first popularized in the 1960's by California hippies who built their own using wooden wine vats.
They are made from juice that has been bled from red wine vats.
He hoped to harvest timber there for the making of wine vats, but he found the wood inadequate.
One spot shows a bride suspended over a wine vat in which a woman is stomping grapes.
He edged carefully between the wine vats, reaching out swiftly to pull the door shut behind them.