Luncheon and a wine-and-cheese reception are included in the $75 fee.
But some of these groups have been co-opted by wine-and-cheese receptions, with speeches, and I don't buy into that stuff.
Across the hall, in the village's courtroom, a wine-and-cheese reception provided an informal setting for the public to meet the artists.
Tickets to the program, which includes an open discussion and a wine-and-cheese reception, are $12.
The program is to begin with a wine-and-cheese reception at 5:30 P.M.
The lecture will be followed by a question-and-answer period and a wine-and-cheese reception.
There was a wine-and-cheese reception, and many of the students knew each other from high school and were now in the Ivy League.
"If it's the unveiling of a statue or a new bridge, you get a wine-and-cheese reception," he said.
The tournament traditionally begins Friday evening with social games and a wine-and-cheese reception.
A wine-and-cheese reception follows both events; at the museum, listeners are also invited to view the exhibitions before or after the concert.