Since Argentina is a wine-producing country, the bars, even the divey-looking ones, serve a decent glass.
The names were winnowed from 5,400 submitted by 13 wine-producing countries.
While California has been relatively well tromped, the world's leading wine-producing country is a big mystery to most wine drinkers.
Italian vintages dominate, with interesting choices from all major wine-producing countries.
Yet when all is said and done, Austria is a minor player among wine-producing countries.
Analysts cite increasing competition from other wine-producing countries, the Wine Institute said.
"People just don't think of South Africa as a wine-producing country."
In terms of œnological practices, the new wine-producing countries have more flexible regulations.
There must be tons of them from wine-producing countries like Spain and France just going to waste.
They are, after all, open to the world; they drink the wines of just about every wine-producing country.