This tropical fruit, with its soft, pale flesh, can go a long way in adding interest to a winter diet.
As long keeping fruit, it formed an important part of the winter diet until root-crops were introduced.
Chestnut-sided Warblers are insectivorous, but will include berries in their winter diets.
Instead they are linked with the waxwing's main winter diet of berries.
Seeds form a substantial part of its winter diet, as do acorns and hickory nuts that were stored by the bird in the fall.
We heard a lot about it as kids, so I was not unaware that my winter diet was off balance.
As part of their winter diet they ate dried venison and bear meat.
All excess grass was dried and cubed at a local factory with the cubes forming an important part of the winter diet.
It is easily stored and is valuable to the winter diet of isolated villagers or country people.
Little is known about the winter diets, however, it is suggested that they feed on a variety of marine invertebrates.