The grass continues to grow almost all year, so only a little winter fodder is needed.
In the first year you should keep your livestock rate very low; this greatly reduces the chance of disease and ensures adequate winter fodder.
However, the short growing season made laying in necessary winter fodder difficult.
While the summers were generally fairly good the making of hay, the main winter fodder, could be difficult resulting in poor quality feed.
In some areas, dried leafy branches are stored as winter fodder for stock.
She said, "It is a sign that means more winter fodder for the other goats, and less milk for us next spring."
There had been so much rain earlier that it stood high and luxuriant, a promise of good winter fodder.
In some years the fields were lightly ploughed and mangolds grown for winter fodder.
Such a wanton act of nature ruins crops and blows away winter fodder.
Ategua contained a huge amount of food, but more important, it held Labienus's winter fodder for his horses.