The reduced available winter forage in northern California means that bees must be fed for early spring buildup.
But what is bad for the moose is good for the vegetation: fewer moose means that more balsam fir saplings, the animal's main winter forage, survive.
This species is an important winter forage for grazing domestic and wild animals.
The Athabasca Plain ecoregion supplies lichen as winter forage for the woodland caribou.
That spring grass is a real treat after winter forage.
This species of Cardinal also visits bird feeders and in the winter forage in huge flocks, sometimes numbering in the thousands.
To the west, grazing on Tooele's western desert provides winter forage for thousands of sheep and cattle.
The problem with these subdivisions, Yellowstone coalition members said, is that they bring people and roads to the very places that wild animals depend on for winter forage.
With ice covering winter forage like concrete, about 850 of the shaggy giants starved or froze to death in the park.
A silo is a building to store winter forage.