Eggnog is a popular drink in the United States and Canada, and is usually drank with winter parties such as Christmas and New Year.
All invested Rover or Leaders, who have completed a Bogong Winter Party, become a member during their first winter party.
No-one had heard from the stranded winter party at Hut Point for nearly two years.
Shackleton had brought Worsley along in anticipation of using his services in the retrieval of the winter party.
The seven surviving members of the winter party were duly rescued.
Still, domoviye could befriend one another and were said to gather together for loud winter parties.
Christmas activities became December activities, and holiday parties became winter parties.
The city slips the leash for France's major winter party.
The events include a winter party, 4th of July festivities and fireworks, a fall steak fry, a Halloween haunted house, and the Polar Express.
He was leader of the winter party and officer-in-charge of Mirny Station on the 9th Soviet Antarctic Expedition and lead several expeditions subsequently.