The vegetation had a dank and wintry look to it still, quite different from the lowlands.
Responsible in part for this was a certain wintry look as he reached his late 40's.
He got that same, wintry look of disinterest he had every time they discussed Lily.
Vigiano gave him a wintry look but turned back on Con to ask, "What is it you know about me?"
There was a harsh wintry look about him.
Velvet, with its deep, dark colors, practically defined the wintry look.
The wintry look returned to the prince's stem face.
He smiled at me, the familiar wintry look that survived every season.
The sky, particularly where large patches of it could be seen, as at intersections, had a wintry look.
But the twinkle quickly disappeared and the blue eyes took on a bleak and wintry look.