Then a pale, weak, wintry sun appeared through a thinning of the clouds for the first time that day.
At other times, Trotty might have learned a poor man's lesson from the wintry sun; but he was past that, now.
In England the wintry sun of 7th January, 1964, was just rising.
The wintry sun was past the meridian now and had begun its downward course to the west.
The sky was dark and glowering, a wintry sun obscured behind heavy cloud.
Their faces lit up like a wintry sun at the event and everybody seemed suddenly happy.
She woke a few hours later with a wintry sun seeping through the window.
From her position in bed she could see the wintry sun touching the horizon.
A good day came when the pale wintry sun shone down, and the sky was a watery blue.
She glanced out of the window, to see that the wintry sun was already low in the sky.