The name derives from wire bonding, where interconnections between an integrated circuit and its outer world are made.
Fine gold wires are used to connect semiconductor devices to their packages through a process known as wire bonding.
These intermetallics have different properties than the individual metals which can cause problems in wire bonding in microelectronics.
The figure shows the cross section of a Flat No lead package with a lead frame and wire bonding.
The chip was connected to the package using wire bonding, which only allows connections along the edges of the chip.
The main classes of wire bonding:
This technology can be used for depositing layers suitable for wire bonding.
Unique wiring techniques such as wire bonding are also often used in microelectronics because of the unusually small size of the components, leads and pads.
This may be achieved by wire bonding or soldering.
The dies are connected to the package using conventional wire bonding.