Sometimes the type appears in multiple roles, as both central character and older, wiser mentor.
I have found her to be a wise and knowledgeable mentor, and hope to better please her in the future.
He'd been a good friend and a wise mentor for them both.
An inter-dimensional being trapped in a time warp, he is the wise mentor of the Rangers, who also bestowed their powers.
A wise mentor to so many, you were a gentle man who was a true gentleman.
Bettelheim would say we have lost the aid of a wise and venerable mentor in the process of growing up.
Romeo becomes a wise mentor for Josh throughout the book.
A wise mentor, Donatelli insists that no one is promised anything, everyone is treated equally, and a man finishes what he begins.
He aspires to emulate his stronger and wiser mentor, Michael.
Gandalf's name is occasionally used allusively to indicate a wise mentor or wizard-like advisor.