CERF advances understanding and wise stewardship of estuarine and coastal ecosystems worldwide.
Environment -Price strongly supports efforts to protect the environment, promote wise stewardship of our natural resources, ensure clean air and water, and address climate change.
Instead, demonstrating the wise stewardship of a lucrative literary brand, it has squeezed maximum returns from its golden copyrights in a variety of clever rights' deals.
Instead, we must pursue constructive policies of political and economic freedom and wise ecological stewardship that will enhance the future of the world's people.
This principle of healthy food combined with wise stewardship and personal responsibility should guide the goals of this program and other health-related policies.
He said that the D.W.P. has a 100-year history of wise stewardship of its lands.
"When you've got diminishing numbers of priests, large cash investments in places, dwindling numbers and economies of scale, it's not wise stewardship."
"Dirk understands that those who live closest to the land know how to manage it best, and he will work closely with state and local leaders to ensure wise stewardship of our resources," Mr. Bush said.
In speaking for the Educators for Responsible Science, he says that "we feel strongly about developing a sense of wise and humane stewardship of all forms of life."
While Jingdi came to be overshadowed by his father and by his son, he still is remembered for consolidating the empire and his generally wise stewardship of the nation.