The Burman soldiers wisely retreated at the command of Pu Tong Seal, because of fear of losing their beloved king.
He flailed about, hurling reams of old notes from his bed as Squib wisely retreated and hid under a table.
In "Oft denk'ich, sie sind nur ausgegangen," he wisely retreated and let the lilting movement go its own paradoxical way.
The auction houses quite wisely retreated, leaving specialist dealers bemoaning what they alleged were short-sighted policies.
Realizing that a fourth-quarter technical foul could cost them a game in such a tightly-matched series, several Knicks tried to calm Childs down, and he wisely retreated to the locker room rather than fester at courtside.
The watchmen wisely retreated before so overwhelming a force, and rowed their boat along the channel toward where the shore should be.
The Governor has already compromised by wisely retreating from his earlier threat to close down the state government tomorrow if the Legislature fails to enact a budget by then.
Mostly these were Bessarabian Jews that wisely retreated before the departure of the Soviet troops in mid-July 1941.
Noonan was furious, of course, and Bob quite wisely retreated to a more judicious footing: he said that the film threat stood, but he would not enter the attorney general's race if Noonan promised no open-court mention of him.
Choosing discretion over valor, the helicopter wisely retreated.