They wisely stayed beyond the giant's reach, slowly circling him.
Isis hissed ferociously, but wisely stayed put in Roberta's arms.
He and his transporter tech were still safely ensconced behind the control console, wisely staying out of the way.
But there was no sense in exposing himself, and he wisely stayed indoors.
A look of pure hatred crossed the corporal's face, but he wisely stayed out of reach of the cage.
Unarmed, the king wisely stayed out of reach of the flashing blades.
There was a time not too long ago when the media wisely stayed away from bedroom windows and the nation could concentrate on issues that mattered.
All of that means a total redesign, but it is hard to tell, because Honda wisely stayed with its very pretty lines.
Many people wisely stayed at home, and that left one theatre in Cirencester without and audience.
Cousin Kate wisely stayed on the terrace while Honoria marched to a bench in the middle of the garden.