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I see with horror that the UK wishes to copy the Swedish system av so called "free schools".
We only wish to copy computer files to obtain information that will have no effect on your universe.
Suppose the state of a quantum system A, which we wish to copy, is (see bra-ket notation).
In her farewell she wrote: "You may see, gentlemen, how much I wished to copy you" The year after, she published another paper.
Mijatović wished to copy British budgetary debates but the Serbian parliament consisting mostly of peasant MPs did not quite understand this effort.
His name, their names, are not known; humanity honors by emulating, and he wished us to copy nothing from homo sap.
And I should wish to copy such dull creatures?
At last I said: "It is as if a sculptor wished to copy the proper outward form of humanity-but didn't bother to get it completely right.