Kirk was not in a wistful mood.
Her distracted and wistful mood arouses sexual interest in him.
I just felt sad, while at the same time hating my wistful mood.
The limited palette and wistful mood of the early works would continue to be distinguishing features of Harrison's later landscape paintings.
Certainly the movie's depiction of an unraveled marriage as it reravels puts one in a wistful mood.
It was raining, and the wistful mood seemed not unlike that of a memorial.
Sifting through these relics left Yates in a more wistful mood than usual.
Painting in the studio, from memory, using muted colors, Lathrop was primarily concerned with the creation of a kind of wistful mood.
That cheered me up, but I wasn't quite ready to give up my wistful mood.
Allmusic saw the album's success in the "striking, haunting visuals that complemented the album's nihilistic yet wistful mood."