Presently he had the wits to help her with that work, and at last to follow her to the bed.
Her quick wits and imaginative acting helped save their lives, but not Maciek's faith and innocence.
Circumstances had placed him below the surface, where only his wits could help him.
"You know, my wit really helps," she said.
Jane is soon going to learn that rebellions and a quick wit won't help her to avoid some of life's grimmer tragedies.
Only wits and the paranormal perception of the link would help him now.
Warner noted his wit helped the team in difficult situations during the tour of Australia in 1903-04.
Mr. Funk's colleagues said he was regarded as a skilled administrator whose quick wit helped him connect with both students and faculty members.
Quick wits also help in a discipline full of brutal rhythm changes on icy courses with more than 60 gates.
Time was money, and the fools set up hoops to jump through, rather than having the wit help themselves by helping him.