An old witch from the south, who had a grudge against his father, had caused a tumour to grow in his father's stomach.
With a careless wave the witch caused the candles to snuff out; then she indicated the cave mouth.
Twelve schoolboys were killed in a bus crash, and a rumor spread that 50 naked witches beside the road had caused it.
I admire mystery inordinately, but believing that a witch can cause a car accident is . . . well, a bit much, wouldn't you say?
She claimed that the witches had caused the storm because of neighbor conflicts at Christmas 1617 and made many men drown.
Various acts of torture were used against accused witches to coerce confessions and perhaps cause them to name their co-conspirators.
Sebastian helps to get Lyra away unnoticed (the dead witch in the middle of the street caused some consternation) and she gets back to St Sophia's.
Similar witches have caused numerous shipwrecks over the years.
By going through the streets, the witches caused damages to the inhabitants belongings, lifting boat oars, opening farmer's casks, and causing other kinds of torments.
Both witch and wizard have done nothing but cause me grief since I arrived here.