This is how three witches meet.
According to a widespread belief, related already by Olaus Magnus in 1555, witches meet there each Maundy Thursday.
In the British accounts from the Early Modern period at least, there were three main types of encounter narrative related to how a witch or cunning person first met their familiar.
Only in the witch persecutions in Scotland, where witnesses were tortured, was there any suggestion that witches met or worked magic in groups.
It was a place where witches met.
It was reported that the witches of Zugarramurdi met at the meadow of Akelarre (Basque for "meadow of the he-goat").
Kyöpelinvuori (Raatikko); where women who die as virgins go, and later a place where witches meet at Easter.
In the far west all the witches of West Cornwall supposedly met at Zennor and re-pledged their Satanic allegiance around the dying embers.
The witches met actually outside the cave in the place of Berroskoberro.
Similarly, a witch gone bad may meet a bad end after building a house of gingerbread.