In the present case however the court was not concerned with a standard clause and therefore it decided its approach should be different.
What has sugar got to do with environmental or social clauses?
Find someone who can write a sentence with an adjective clause.
Sometimes a union will strike rather than sign an agreement with a no-strike clause.
How about calling him the rebel with a clause?
In this he couldn't be more different from his old friend Greenspan, the other government official who can move financial markets with a subordinate clause.
Rodriguez, 28, signed a record 10-year, $252 million contract three years ago with an out clause that allows him to leave after seven seasons.
In the past, city officials have often tried to tame the contract with clauses and exceptions.
We began sentences with conditional clauses, such as "If everything works out."
He came up with a clause for the licensing agreement that may very well be unique in the history of theatrical contracts.