But Professor Pariza, who is working with a consortium of 12 companies, says no one has found any clear solutions.
Barclay's Money Skills is currently being developed with a consortium of four charities.
It also maintains a $1 billion line of credit with a consortium of banks.
But those who participate have to sign a non-competition deal preventing them from leaving to work with a rival consortium.
They signed a contract with a consortium to rebuild completely the Latvian telephone network for nearly 10 times the value of the original deal.
Neela has left her family and joined up with a private consortium who want to fly to the stars.
We've got a pow-wow later with a consortium of scientists from your colony and both cruisers.
Foursquare ultimately went with a consortium of venture capital firms, which are investing $20 million in the company.
Those demonstrations were directed against the building of the gymnasium and the university's affiliation with a consortium that did military research for the Government.
In 1994 Azerbaijan signed an oil contract worth $7.4bn with a Western consortium.