India has a vast primary health care system to serve its billion people, with clinics for every 3,000 to 5,000.
Others have set up alliances with local clinics and drug treatment centers to expand the network of services they offer.
There is a state medical service with local clinics and several good hospitals.
The protests continued for 46 days with several clinics being closed down and 2,600 people arrested.
Aid organizations provide them with food, schools and clinics.
Bad Pyrmont is a town with many country clubs and clinics.
The Council's demands have little to do with medical clinics.
The alternative sites are mainly public hospitals and schools with dental clinics.
He said the consortium would work not just with schools but with other clinics where young women might go for reproductive health care.
The United States, with clinics where an abortion could have been performed more routinely, is only a few miles from the family's home.