The series has shown to be popular with young teens and librarians alike.
But interviews with librarians and teachers across the country indicate that the practice is growing more common.
Mary shared this vision with government leaders, teachers and librarians everywhere she went, throughout her long career.
"But we've had difficulty in the past with you librarians."
He also spends time visiting schools to talk with teachers, librarians, and students about books and art.
But today, students have only limited contact with librarians, particularly because they do most of their online information-seeking at home or in the dorm.
High schools fare better; most have functioning libraries with librarians.
Mr. Brett believed that children should have a space of their own with librarians dedicated just to them.
Davidson serves an average population of 1400 students, with 85 teachers, counselors, librarians, and administrators.
I find information by going through records, dealing with computers and librarians and reference books.