Since then, the road has been lined with independent farms, restaurants, automotive garages, and motels.
The highway turned into a six-lane street with motels and shabby diners on either side.
To the north is a commercial area with warehouses, office buildings and motels.
Rarotonga is a very popular tourist destination with many resorts, hotels and motels.
By the 1950s, the demand for urban hotels was on the decline as they struggled to compete with smaller, cheaper motels along the highway.
The city is lined with motels and other shops from that era.
I started with motels on the main drag and worked my way out into the surrounding neighborhood.
Much of the lake is surrounded with resorts, restaurants, and motels.
Budget: The lake shore is lined with motels.
Everything is done to a Texas scale, with strip malls and motels and family restaurants every fifty feet.