In order to increase the typical thermal factor the water is mixed with peat.
The mare was black down one side with peat, and lay quite still; to shudder required more effort than she could muster.
Today, the site is overgrown with heather and peat.
The rock is Torridonian sandstone covered with peat and pasture.
The roofs were usually covered with straw, reeds, peat or boards.
"We have better buffering action, a quality that you cannot get with peat mixes."
Swamp's surface area, covered with peat is 4897 ha, 2774 of them are ultimate reserves.
A mixture of coarse sand with peat or loam is sufficient.
Many of the smaller lakes are being filled with peat, a process which began following the end of the last glacial period.
The surface is mostly covered with peat, pine forests and grazing fields.