"All right for drinking with hot sausage on a cold morning" is his judgment.
It can also be made with other fillings, such as cheese, or sausage.
After frying, they can be served with meat, sausages or fish.
It was to be bread again, but this time with sausage, and an apple apiece.
I've never had soup with sausages in it for breakfast before.
Growing up with sausages that gave my brother and me severe headaches means I still struggle to enjoy the things today.
My other favorite is quail stuffed with sausage and sage.
She makes hers with chicken, green beans and sausage, sometimes adding shrimp as well.
For example, I generally make chickpea soup with chicken stock and sausage.
I should have thought you were quite literally fed up with sausages, after last night's feast,' said their mother, laughing.