Israel agreed to withdraw from Egyptian territory.
Resolution 242 calls on Israel to withdraw from occupied territory to "secure and recognized" boundaries - which means recognition.
He still talks about the "war of liberation" to force Syria to withdraw its army from Lebanese territory.
China pledges to cease all military attacks and withdraw its troops from disputed territory.
Israel must withdraw from occupied territory and accommodate the Palestinians' political rights, he said.
A force engaged in small wars operations may expect to be withdrawn from foreign territory as soon as its mission is accomplished.
The plan calls for Iran to commit itself to withdraw all troops from Iraqi territory within a specified amount of time after a cease-fire.
Russia undertakes, however, to withdraw her troops from Persian territory as soon as the danger has been removed.
The Egyptian Army then withdrew from occupied territory.
One question is how to assure the security of Israel if it withdraws from territory that offers both a geographic buffer and an observation post.