Nelson, seeing that he had no chance of victory, withdrew leaving behind the Sabina and his prize crew, who fell in Spanish hands.
There was a short battle after which the Hiberno-Norse withdrew within the walls leaving their ships unprotected.
At this stage the Co-ordinator and the professionals withdraw leaving the family to discuss and plan in private.
After a stiff resistance the enemy withdrew leaving two dead and one wounded.
The Utes quietly withdrew leaving the livestock and camp to be plundered by the militia.
Finland withdrew leaving the first group with only two teams.
All three charges were successful and the main force of infantry withdrew leaving the guns undefended apart from their crews.
After a two-hour fight the NVA withdrew leaving 33 killed in action.
They suddenly withdrew from the scenes of protest leaving security for the army to take over.
Afterwards the camera withdraws leaving us with an image of a "recovering" A before the light fades away completely.