Later they discovered that the player was not a Hindu, but a Christian, and withdrew their invitation.
Because of the original charges and the maid's allegations, a campus women's group opposed his visit, with 750 students signing a petition to withdraw his invitation.
He also had invited Mother Cabrini to New York, but had to withdraw his invitation.
No friends came to condole with her, and none were expected; an unsigned note withdrew her invitation to the party.
On May 1, 2008, Northwestern University withdrew its invitation for him to receive an honorary doctorate in light of the controversy over his recent remarks.
However, the school, which has a Christian ethos, withdrew its invitation after becoming acquainted with the book's content.
In 1986, the court in essence withdrew its invitation.
"If you're going to talk about 'Rik*, I withdraw my invitation," I said, suddenly feeling more annoyed man embarrassed.
Soon after, organizers of the rally in New York withdrew their invitation to Palin.
But there's no way I'm going to withdraw my invitation.