"Supreme Beef should withdraw their lawsuit challenging salmonella testing."
After seeing that her actions had caused the club's ultimate demise, Baker withdrew her lawsuit in 1955, feeling vindicated.
However, what court records online show is that Mullen withdrew her lawsuit on May 24, 2002.
The settlement of that dispute clears the way for Kleinman to withdraw his lawsuit against Vincent.
After great public disapproval and vocal opposition by the government, Ingrid Betancourt then withdrew her lawsuit.
Dean Witter said it would withdraw its lawsuit against Mastercard as part of the agreement announced yesterday.
Simpson withdrew his lawsuit with an undisclosed settlement.
The company will probably withdraw its lawsuit and its arbitration grievance if a settlement is reached here.
By December 20, Hasbro had withdrawn its lawsuit.
The doctor withdrew his lawsuit and the story aired on June 30.