In 1674, the pressure exerted in parliament by Protestant MPs forced Charles to withdraw prematurely from the war against the Dutch.
Villaret placed much of the blame on Captain Jean Magnac of Zélé, whom he accused of withdrawing from the action prematurely and disobeying orders.
A mutiny among his troops fearing a counterattack and entrapment by the fresh Safavid forces called in from the interior, forced the triumphant Ottomans to withdraw prematurely.
The United States should not make the same mistake it did in Somalia or Vietnam, he said, which was to withdraw prematurely and convey a message of weakness.
The series was intended to last for five years, but, despite its popularity, especially in Germany, the BBC withdrew prematurely.
In September 1992 AMR (American Airlines) sued Marriott, Hilton and Budget, alleging they caused CONFIRM's failure by withholding funds, making poor staffing assignment and withdrawing prematurely.
In any case the US did not withdraw prematurely from Vietnam.
The most common explanation is that Iraqis are afraid - both of government goon squads and of the possibility that we will withdraw prematurely, leaving them at the mercy of whoever comes next.
If the United States withdraws prematurely, Iraq will slide into greater chaos.
Another regiment prematurely withdrew from the field through an error by its commander, leaving the remaining force on the field which had advanced to a vacated Confederate position quite vulnerable and the advance force also had to withdraw.