The Kaiming king lost several battles and withdrew southward to Wuyang where he was captured and killed.
In 1983 the IDF withdrew southward, and would remain only in the "security zone" until the year 2000.
Without asking the permission and reporting the discovery, the 5th Regiment of the communist 3rd Garrison Brigade withdrew southward to Taiping (太平) Town.
Northern Aquitaine became emersed and the sea withdrew in stages southward to the line Arcachon-Toulouse.
Then without a shift in its ticking voice it withdrew southward.
Since turning back to reinforce Kaifeng was too late to do, the nationalists withdrew southward, abandoning the hope of annihilating the communist 10th Column.
Around midnight, the 8th Cavalry received orders to withdraw southward to Ipsok.
The fall of Aybak would cut the main escape route for Taliban soldiers withdrawing southward from Mazar-i-Sharif to Kabul, the Afghan capital.
The French Corps was heading towards Sedan, but withdrew southward after the engagement.