In the past year, the Soviet Union has begun to withdraw tanks, troops and airplanes from Europe unilaterally and to cut military spending.
The Yugoslav army withdrew virtually unhurt from Kosovo - minus a dozen knocked-out tanks.
As part of the ceasefire, Georgian forces had withdrawn their heavy artillery and tanks from Sukhumi.
Explaining the effect of an early withdrawal deadline, senior American military officials said Iraq would be able to withdraw tanks and other functioning ground equipment within a week.
He's withdrawing all his troops and tanks from Eastern Europe and negotiating demilitarization of his border with China.
Although passions continue to run high in the Georgian capital, the authorities lifted a curfew and withdrew tanks and troops a week after the violence.
The Russians are not likely to withdraw tanks from Eastern Europe in exchange for better tariff treatment for their manufactured exports.
But in southern Gaza where they withdrew tanks, they built four new watchtowers and a military post, the official said.
However in 1938, Stalin withdrew his troops and tanks as government ranks floundered.
The standoff ended peacefully on October 28 following a US-Soviet understanding to withdraw tanks.