But he made clear that he would oppose calls from other Democrats to set a specific withdrawal deadline now.
The Senate majority was prepared to try to enforce a one-year withdrawal deadline.
The House measure set a withdrawal deadline of Sept. 1, 2008.
However, on the day before the withdrawal deadline, he announced that he would stay in the draft and give up his remaining college eligibility.
The House has set a mandatory withdrawal deadline of September 2008.
On June 11, the day after the withdrawal deadline passed, Allen died.
We readily concede that withdrawal deadlines cannot be set in cement without regard to protecting the progress that has already been made.
Moscow reaffirmed its support for the Geneva accords but left open the possibility that it might exceed the withdrawal deadline.
Republican leaders, who supported the proposal, argued that the vote was a repudiation of a Democratic motion to set possible withdrawal deadlines for American troops.
No candidate could withdraw his name after the withdrawal deadline of December 7, 2007.