For example, some methadone programs deny methadone to pregnant women or reduce their dosage despite the fact that withdrawal from heroin increases the risk of death for the fetus.
As withdrawals from aquifers have steadily increased, so has evidence of contaminated wells, according to the Geological Survey.
Over-rapid withdrawal from benzodiazepines increases the severity of the withdrawal syndrome and increases the failure rate.
Their fees have been diminishing as withdrawals have increased and as the market has shrunk the value of the investments.
Even worse, he said, the withdrawals will increase their incomes so much that a larger percentage of their Social Security benefits will be taxed by the federal government.
Now it appears that Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon increases the Iranian mullah's influence.
Mr. Delors's withdrawal has increased the chances of that happening.
South Korean officials also worry that the American withdrawal would increase the paranoia of the North's leadership and raise the risks of miscalculation and war.
His withdrawal from society increased after the death of his daughter Rossana by suicide in 1948.
The withdrawal of the Americans in 1866 from the Reciprocity Treaty had increased tariffs on Canadian goods in US markets.