The withdrawal of the bank's support, she said, made it impossible for the city to borrow at an interest rate it could afford.
Committee investigators want to know what happened to the money and whether the electronic withdrawals made Lincoln short of cash.
Moreover, this tax will be applicable to most withdrawals made before age 59 1/2, death or disability.
However, withdrawals made without a month's notice will be subject to a charge of 50p per £100 withdrawn.
His quick withdrawal made no sound on the soft rug.
But withdrawal might make Ugandans question the worthiness of the adventure in the first place.
The withdrawal of her hand from his aching part made him sick and desperate.
Such a withdrawal will only make the Taliban feel very empowered.
The Government needs to sell bonds, and Salomon's withdrawal from the market could make that more difficult.
Thus the division is there now, and unilateral withdrawal will only make things easier for the first camp.