Inside, the Incantatrix looked down at the bag of dry bones and withered flesh on the bed.
Broken fingernails clawed at his face, gouging the withered flesh, streaking it with blood.
He stroked the withered flesh of her forearm.
Skeletal hands barely covered by withered flesh.
The tropical sun throbbed down on the back of my unprotected head and blistered my withered flesh.
Ellie's skin was already cold to the touch, and the skin beneath the blue coverall lay slack over withered flesh.
Chant's face was decaying, cobs of withered flesh sliding off his slickened bone.
Old, raddled, the gems on her fingers accentuating the sere and withered flesh.
It bit clean through thin bone and withered flesh and tugged the old woman to the ground.
Green light shimmered from the death's-head, giving it an olive tone that looked like withered flesh.