Provincial government is autonomous of other provinces within the Republic.
A provincial government is autonomous of other provinces within the Republic.
Besides conducting the war, he also focused on maintaining military discipline and government authority within the Republic.
He understood that fundamental change to the organization and the distribution of power within the Republic was required to secure its future.
He continued to promote the defense of the democratic ideals and political stability within the Republic.
However, the law did make processes available for other religious institutions to get approval from the government if they wished to worship within the Republic.
This change in strategic policy was accompanied by a political sea-change within the Republic.
The country's farms produce over 3 million pigs per annum, almost 50% of which are consumed within the Republic.
Tension had mounted within the Republic until a single gesture could set it off.
The Centauri are not a democracy; the average citizen has little or no political power within the Republic.