Eartha, the world's largest rotating and revolving globe, is located within the headquarters of the DeLorme mapping corporation in Yarmouth, Maine.
Aside from the aforementioned units directly subordinate to it, there are a number of units within the headquarters, which mainly oversee the professional side of the corps.
Among Honeywell's philanthropic efforts is a high school, called New Vistas, which has operated within the headquarters since 1990.
This is a carefully choreographed smear campaign by Left-wingers based within the national headquarters of pressure groups.
Until 1943 he served as the cief of department of fast warfare within the headquarters of that organization.
However, within the headquarters, they were confronted by the staff of the building for alleged trespassing.
This type of company division is called a matrix structure, which incorporates both divisional and departmental separation within the headquarters.
Within the headquarters of MI6, the biggest names in British acting are clustered around the conference table, each of whom has muted his game to communally dazzling effect.
It's a clash within the headquarters - the clash symbolized by the kidnapped Buddha.
His published letters and notebooks establish him as the preeminent recorder of events and personalities within the headquarters of Army of the Potomac.