But she vowed to quit her post as the secretary for international development if Britain went to war without United Nations sanction.
Because unilateral action without United Nations agreement was more dangerous.
Polls now show that 70 percent of Italians are against any war without United Nations approval.
That military action should not be taken against a sovereign country without United Nations sanction.
Turkey is willing to send troops in without United Nations endorsement, administration officials said.
Cargo vehicles are also banned from crossing the country with oil, machinery, steel, tires and other critical goods without United Nations approval.
"Privately, in the days preceding the invasion, I had hoped that no action would be taken without United Nations authorization," he told me.
They expressly rejected any preventive war of aggression without United Nations approval.
"But certainly even Powell is now talking within the administration about the option of going to war without United Nations approval."
Without United Nations participation, nations developed nuclear-production capabilities anyway and used them to make bombs.