If you're smart, you're going to make a lot of money without borrowing.
As premiums come in, the program may even be able to pay the claims without borrowing, he said.
But if he did that, he wouldn't be able to finish the house without borrowing.
When the Governor proposed to eliminate the $1 billion shortfall late last year, he pledged to do so without borrowing.
Forstmann, Little is trying to raise $3 billion from institutions to invest in public companies without borrowing.
He felt he was setting an example by demonstrating what could be done without borrowing.
I had enough horrors of my own without borrowing.
He increased the salaries of law enforcement (to deal with corruption), all without borrowing.
That surplus is what makes it possible for the world's fastest-growing economy to finance its development without foreign borrowing.
Mr President, a budget without fresh borrowing is something really special in Europe and the world.